
3 sep. 2013

Daily / Explore.

Almost spent the whole day in Gothenburg with a dear friend of mine!
While exploring and walking around, we found this amazing place.
Even though it's not pretty enough for some people to be known as graffiti or anything artish,
I think it's a great location, it got spirit and it's so close to the central station.
I'm working on a schoolproject and I'm looking for different locations and this might be one of those
(that I will come to use).

Any tips on great locations for photoshoots? Nearby Gothenburg/Borås.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Röda Sten Göteborg. Graffita mecka precis under den vackra bron. Se min gamla blog för en idé

    1. Åh tack! röda sten har jag besökt en gång och det är så häftigt.
      Ska spana in, tack!
